The cast for ABC’s “The Ultimate Surfer” has been announced and Tia Blanco has been revealed to be part of the cast. The series, produced by the same folks who do “The Ultimate Fighter,” will air starting August 23rd, 2021. The 14 athletes filmed over summer 2020 (during COVID and managed to do it safely) where they lived and surfed at the iconic Surf Ranch in Lemoore, CA. Be sure to tune in and for more information you can go HERE.
RPRT to Produce Series with Outside Television and Jeb Corliss
RPRT is partnering with Outside Television to create a series created by founder Matt Meyerson with world famous BASE jumper Jeb Corliss. The show will center around Jeb’s purchase of a new RV and will be an ultimate “on the road” adventure starring Jeb and Matt. The two will drive from the RV factory in Iowa and through Middle America seeking adventure along the way.
The show is being supported by TCL and GoPro and will be produced by RPRT and Outside as a joint production. The show will be available on VOD, web, ROKU and cable platforms in early 2019.